Pick An Interesting Topic
In some classes, professors hand out topics and give students no choice. Others prefer to list some choices and let students choose topics. In other cases, students are told to choose a topic and run it by the professor.
In the latter case, here are some ways to help you make a good choice. Do your homework to make sure that you know what you are talking about. The following is very subjective, but when it comes to choosing potential topics, ask yourself whether the professor and class will care.
The following to do list before you start a project can be applied in school and in business. Going over these simple steps will ensure that you will not waste your time and that your efforts bear fruit and not frustration.
Before the advent of the WWW, researching was an arduous task involving considerable time spent at the library, going through archives of newspapers and dusty books to find the occasional needle in the haystack.
That was then, this is now. Today, you have no reason not to sit in front of a computer for 5 to 15 minutes to conduct a query with a good search engine. Immediately you get a feel for what is out there in terms of existing data, previous research and potential leads. This first step alone can save you time and headaches.
Pick A Topic Where Research And Facts Exist
For example, the Black Market is a very interesting topic for a marketing project, but where and how do you plan on identifying, gathering, analyzing and presenting the facts. If you do too good of a job, you just may find yourself face down in a back alley.
Inquire: Do You Smell What I'm Cooking?
Once you have an idea, do not be shy about visiting your professor. Pitch the idea and use them as a soundboard. After all, they will be in full control when it comes time to grading, so you want them to have a taste of what to expect.
Some professors will tell you straight up that the topic is impossible, or whether you are getting too specific or too general. Whatever the case may be they are a great beacon throughout the project so make sure that their input is considered.
Most professors have an element of nurturing in them, while some are downright father figures, so consulting them from Day 1 provides them with a sense of ownership. They may be easier on you when grading is conducted.
It is also possible that professor cynicism over a project will challenge you more. If this is so, good for you, go for it. But understand that you are taking a risk.